A vampire, a werewolf, a gorgon, and an undead soldier walk into a grocery store...and all hell breaks loose! This is the Creature Unit, a team of misfits assembled by a madly talented scientist for a dangerous military mission. The claws are out, fangs are bared, and blood is spilled—lots of it!
In the blackest night, when the darkness feels infinite, the very fabric of the universe begins to tear... as every major crisis in DCU history rises once again! These eight chilling tales, set during the events of crises past, serve to warn you, dear reader: when in crisis, watch your back!
Relocated from their home dimensions by a mysterious, sinister force, champions from across the multiverse have appeared on the Justice League’s Earth. Now, it’s up to Superman, Batman, and Wonder Woman to figure out who are friends and who are foes—before chaos erupts across the entire globe!
Neil Gaiman presents a depiction of William Shakespeare’s A Midsummer Night’s Dream as you’ve never seen it before, set in the Sandman Universe! Featuring completely remastered pages from colorist Steve Oliff’s original hand-painted color guides, this edition also features an all-new painted cover by acclaimed fantasy artist Charles Vess!
The explosive “Dark Prisons” continues as Batman learns from an old mentor what Zur’s plans are for Gotham City…and the world! Can the Dark Knight escape from a prison designed by the ultimate version of himself? And what nefarious role does The Joker play in all of this?
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A vampire, a werewolf, a gorgon, and an undead soldier walk into a grocery store...and all hell breaks loose! This is the Creature Unit, a team of misfits assembled by a madly talented scientist for a dangerous military mission. The claws are out, fangs are bared, and blood is spilled—lots of it!
In the blackest night, when the darkness feels infinite, the very fabric of the universe begins to tear... as every major crisis in DCU history rises once again! These eight chilling tales, set during the events of crises past, serve to warn you, dear reader: when in crisis, watch your back!
Relocated from their home dimensions by a mysterious, sinister force, champions from across the multiverse have appeared on the Justice League’s Earth. Now, it’s up to Superman, Batman, and Wonder Woman to figure out who are friends and who are foes—before chaos erupts across the entire globe!
Neil Gaiman presents a depiction of William Shakespeare’s A Midsummer Night’s Dream as you’ve never seen it before, set in the Sandman Universe! Featuring completely remastered pages from colorist Steve Oliff’s original hand-painted color guides, this edition also features an all-new painted cover by acclaimed fantasy artist Charles Vess!
The explosive “Dark Prisons” continues as Batman learns from an old mentor what Zur’s plans are for Gotham City…and the world! Can the Dark Knight escape from a prison designed by the ultimate version of himself? And what nefarious role does The Joker play in all of this?